Notice is hereby given that the City of Jackson, Tennessee, Beer Board will meet Tuesday, November 30, 2021, at 9:00 am in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 101 East Main Street, to consider the following respondents for a Show-Cause Hearing:
- Hot Spot Market (Citgo), 1291 North Highland Ave., Annamer, Adhbah
- Jackson AMPM, LLC (Casey Jones Mobil Market), 1929 US Highway 45 By-Pass, Singh, Lexander
- Ragan’s Fuel Mart, 412 Airways Blvd, Patel, Saurinkumar
- Northside Exxon (Highland Express), 2325 North Highland Ave., Ferguson Brothers Inc.
- Old Hickory Fuel Mart, Inc., 644 Old Hickory Blvd, Alnajjar, Abdulmalek
- Old Hickory Express, Inc. (Amoco), 588 Old Hickory, Awashra, Abdalilah and Qaadan, Alaa
- BP Jackson, Inc., 1831 US Highway 45 By-Pass, Patel, Narendra, and Patel, Nitaben