JACKSON, Tenn. – The City of Jackson, TN’s Keep Jackson Beautiful Committee will hold a “Tarp Your Load” giveaway event in conjunction with the City of Jackson’s Health and Sanitation Department’s “Community Clean-up Day,” on Saturday, August 20, 2022.
The first 75 residents of Jackson with trucks and trailers who attend the community clean-up event at Muse Park or Jackson Fairgrounds will receive a free 8X10 tarp.
“It is very important that people who are hauling items in the back of their trucks and trailers have proper means to secure their loads. State law dictates that vehicles hauling debris or any other items be reasonably covered with a tarp to keep from littering and creating driving hazards on our roadways,” said Robin Chance, City of Jackson, TN Recycling Coordinator. “This is a wonderful event to educate residents and provide them with a resource to aid them in compliance and helping to reduce potential hazards.”
Keep Tennessee Beautiful and the Tennessee Department of Transportation are sponsors for the tarp giveaway.
“Keeping our city beautiful takes personal responsibility and this tarp giveaway is one of the many steps we can take to help make that possible,” said Mayor Scott Conger. “I’m excited that Keep Tennessee Beautiful and TDoT are willing to provide these tarps during our clean-up day to combat illegal dumping.”
South Jackson: Jackson Fairgrounds Park, 800 South Highland Ave. (parking lot south of the Jackson Fire Department Training Center)
North Jackson: Muse Park, 1380 North Parkway (parking lot at north entrance of North Parkway)
Event Guidelines:
The first 75 trucks and trailers per the two sites:
- Muse Park or Jackson Fairgrounds.