JACKSON, Tenn. -- The City of Jackson, TN is excited to announce our 11th annual Month of Miracles citywide volunteer service campaign in connection with National Volunteer Month. During the Month of Miracles, individuals and/or organizations are invited to collaborate and work for various charities and community projects including litter pick-up or volunteer service throughout the city.
"We are excited to host our city’s 11th annual Month of Miracles during National Volunteer Month, which is an initiative about coming together to serve others," said Mayor Scott Conger. "Our city is full of residents and citizens who have a heart to volunteer and we want to highlight those who are making a difference in the city."
To celebrate Earth Day during Month of Miracles, the City’s Health and Sanitation Department’s Recycling Division will incorporate its fourth Community Clean-up Day on Saturday, April 22, 2023 at the Jackson Fairgrounds where residents can drop off items such as tires, mattresses, furniture; bulk items over 50 pounds and TVs. Direct Shred will be on site for paper shredding.
"We are very excited to bring back our Community Day Clean-up event which creates an opportunity for residents to properly dispose of items they may not be able to otherwise,” said City of Jackson, TN Recycling Coordinator Robin Chance. “It is important to partner with other organizations and events to help curb illegal dumping, litter, and create a more beautiful Jackson for everyone to enjoy."
In addition, H&S and KJB will participate in a third “Tarp Your Load” event sponsored by Keep Tennessee Beautiful and the Tennessee Department of Transportation’s Nobody Trashes Tennessee Campaign. At least 75 tarps will be given away to the first 75 residents of Jackson with trucks and trailers who attend the community clean-up event.
“The City of Jackson puts on the Month of Miracles event to encourage people to do a volunteer activity to help make our community a better place,” said City of Jackson, TN Recreation and Parks Recreation Manager Bridgett Parham. “Join us through acts of volunteerism to help make a difference in someone's life by helping a neighbor or assist in improving the look of our city by cleaning your neighborhood.
The City invites everyone to join them in celebrating the Month of Miracles and making a difference in their community. In order to receive credit, all projects will be individually reviewed for approval. A representative from our Recreation and Parks Department will contact you to reconfirm your participation. For more information on the Month of Miracles, click or tap the “Month of Miracles” button at http://connect.jacksontn.gov.