JACKSON, Tenn. – The 2021 Mayor’s Civic Pride Award winners were announced at the annual luncheon, Tuesday, June 22 at the Carl Perkins Civic Center.
The annual Mayor’s Civic Pride Awards recognize individuals that take exceptional care in their properties, which includes keeping yards well kept, beautiful landscaping and/or hardscape, and overall curb appeal.
Residential Awardees and Commercial and/or Educational Institution Awardees are nominated by citizens in the community for taking exceptional care in their properties, which includes keeping yards well kept, beautiful landscaping and/or hardscape, and overall curb appeal.
Residential Winners and Honorable Mentions
South District: Winner: Kendrick Worley; Honorable Mention: Joe Morris
East District: Winner: John and Anne Garrad; Honorable Mention: Michael Cash
Northeast District: Winner: Greg Yates; Honorable Mention: Everette Bennett
Northwest District: Winner: Scott Harris; Honorable Mention: George and Elizabeth Dement
West District: Winner: Andrew Barbara Pruitte; Honorable Mention: Bobby Morgan
Commercial & Educational Institution Winners
First Baptist Church, First Presbyterian Jackson, BancorpSouth Bemis Branch, University of Memphis Lambuth, University School of Jackson, East Jackson Church of Christ
Commercial & Educational Institution Honorable Mentions
Aeneas Building, Moore Studios
Environmental Stewardship Awardees are individual, company or organization that goes out of their way to do something that will better the planet such as a student instituting a recycling program at their school; a person who organizes regular litter pick-ups; a company that changes operating procedures to go greener and protect our planet.
Environmental Stewardship Award Winner
Packaging Corporation of America