JACKSON, Tenn. – Tawanika McKinney, the Internal Auditor for the City of Jackson, proudly announces the successful completion of the rigorous training program leading to the prestigious Certified Municipal Finance Officer (CMFO) designation. This accomplishment showcases McKinney's commitment to excellence in municipal finance and positions her among the distinguished cadre of finance professionals in the state.
“I’d like to congratulate Tawanika McKinney on achieving the Certified Municipal Finance Officer designation,” said Mayor Scott Conger. “Tawanika's dedication to excellence in municipal finance reflects the values we hold dear in the City of Jackson.”
The CMFO program, mandated by the 2007 Municipal Finance Officer Certification and Education Act, stands as a testament to the City of Jackson's dedication to ensuring the highest standards in financial management. The Act, with its dual focus on the establishment of the CMFO program and the definition of minimum qualifications for municipal chief financial officers, serves as a safeguard to guarantee competence in handling municipal funds and the protection of public monies.