Public Notice is hereby given that the Jackson City Council will meet in a regular meeting in the George A. Smith Meeting Room at City Hall, 101 East Main Street on Thursday, July 6, 2023 at 9:00am.
Click or tap here to view the agenda.
City of Jackson City Council Public Comments Procedure
1. Any person wishing to address the City Council shall so indicate that fact by signing their name and their intended agenda item on a sign-up sheet which shall be located near the entrance to the George A. Smith Meeting Room. The sign-up sheet shall be collected prior to the start of the meeting and delivered to the mayor. The Public Comments portion of the council meeting is not a forum for debate but is simply an opportunity for interested persons to speak on any matter or issue relating to the city council agenda.
2. The mayor shall arrange the order of the persons wishing to speak in any way he or she deems advisable.
3. Persons addressing the Council shall be limited to no more than three (3) minutes. Provided however, that questions from the Council to the speaker shall not detract from the speaker's time allotment.
4. At the beginning of the Public Comments portion of the council meeting the mayor shall read aloud the names of the persons wishing to address the Council in the order in which they will be allowed to speak.
5. The mayor shall then call, the first speaker, who shall come to the podium located near the front of the council chambers otherwise directed by the mayor.
6. The speaker shall state his or her name and address for the record and then address the Council. The mayor shall advise the speaker of the expiration of his or her time allotment and then shall call the next speaker.
7. Speakers shall not be allowed to give all or a portion of their time to another speaker.
8. Speakers shall be courteous and shall conduct themselves in a manner befitting the dignity and nature of the meeting.
9. The mayor shall have the authority to terminate the time allotted to any speaker who is abusive, argumentative, repetitive, or disruptive.
10. The mayor shall have the authority to have any person removed from the council chambers if such person refuses to leave the podium.
11. The mayor shall have the authority to have any person removed from council chambers if such person is abusive, argumentative, unruly or disruptive.