JACKSON, Tenn. – The City of Jackson is excited to announce the launch of the Neighborhood Improvement Project grant, offered through the Love Your Block program. This grant opportunity empowers residents and community groups to lead projects that enhance the quality of life in our neighborhoods.
The grant will support projects aimed at:
- Activating underutilized spaces
- Creating community meeting and recreation spaces
- Beautifying residential or commercial areas with public art
- Strengthening neighborhood relationships
- Celebrating culture and heritage
- Encouraging volunteerism and community engagement
Each grantee team can receive up to $5,000 to bring their project ideas to life. The City is committed to working closely with grant recipients to ensure their success and impact on our community.
Applications for the Neighborhood Improvement Project grant will open on September 25, 2023.
Interested parties are encouraged to visit http://loveyourblock.jacksontn.gov for more information and to access the application when it becomes available.